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In 842 Lapoutroie, known as Sconerloch, was part of the kingdom of Lothar I. At that time, it was essentially a village of charcoal burners.

On the territory of Lapoutroie stands the peak known as "lo Faudé", which is believed to have been a place devoted to the mysteries of the Druidic cult. At the bottom of a splendid valley bordered by large pine forests, Lapoutroie is a green commune.

Famous battlefield of the 1914-1918 war, the village is today a place where life is good. You can also taste local products, munsters, beers, directly from the producers.

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Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2024 tous les jours
Du 01/01/2025 au 31/12/2025 tous les jours

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