
Musée des eaux de vie

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The museum opened its doors to the public in 1986 in the building of the former coaching inn dating from 1832, and is ranked the 30th most visited site in Alsace.

On display are old cellar equipment such as zesting machines, corking machines, bottle moulds, etc., as well as stills of various shapes and origins, and a collection of brandy, liqueur, whisky, gin, vodka and tequila mignonnettes...

The museum is open every day of the year from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm, with free admission and tasting.

Les horaires

Du 01/01/2024 au 24/12/2024 tous les jours de 09:00 à 12:00 et de 14:00 à 18:00
Du 26/12/2024 au 31/12/2024 le lundi, mardi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche de 09:00 à 12:00 et de 14:00 à 18:00

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