
Walking tour of the history of Eichhoffen and Ittenwiller castle (St Pierre)

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outing to discover the history of Eichhoffen and Ittenwiller castle (hammeau de St-Pierre), with stops at sites of interest (tannery, castle, landscapes, etc.). Easy outing ~7 Km, ~150 m ascent START in Gertwiller / Parking de la salle de la Kirneck at 2pm. The evening ends with a meal at Caveau Kirmann in Epfig. Easy level: 6 km distance and 200 m ascent on forest paths. A minimum of 10 people is required for this guided tour. Departure at 1.30pm from the Salle de la Kirneck in Gertwiller, carpooling if possible. Prior registration is required before July 1, 2024 with ''Loisirs et Culture de Gertwiller''

Les horaires

Le samedi 06/07/2024 de 14:00 à 17:30

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

Parking de la Kirneck

Contact et réservation


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