
St Etienne wine brotherhood of the Alsace

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Explore the history-laden corridors of this brotherhood, where every stone tells the tale of the region's winegrowing legends and traditions. The ancestral cellars are brimming with wine treasures, testimony to the exceptional know-how of Alsatian winemakers. Soak up the unique atmosphere that reigns in these places charged with emotion and passion.

Participate in tastings guided by passionate members, true guardians of the winegrowing heritage. Discover the subtleties of local grape varieties, let yourself be surprised by the aromatic richness of the region's wines. The Confrérie also offers introductory wine-tasting workshops and food-and-wine pairing evenings, to further enrich your experience.

Whether you're an enlightened connoisseur or simply curious, the Confrérie Saint-Étienne promises an unforgettable experience, blending history, tradition and the Alsatian art of living. Come and discover a unique heritage, celebrating with passion and generosity the winegrowing soul of this exceptional region.

Les horaires

Du 02/01/2024 au 23/12/2024 tous les jours de 09:00 à 18:00

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