Conservatoire Ligne Maginot - Casemate de Neunhoffen
D 853 entre Dambach et Neunhoffen
67110 Dambach
This Interval casemate of the Maginot Line (Vosges Fortified Sector) protected the Schwarzbach river valley with its two light machine guns ('fusils-mitrailleurs') mounted in armored cupolas ('cloches') and its twin Reibel machine guns providing supporting fire to adjacent casemates. Moreover, twelve dams along the stream could flood the valley. The casemate has been restored to its original state in order to re-create the soldiers' life in 1940 (room with twelve bunks and a wood-burning stove - well of drinking water - ventilation system - seatless latrines with detailed instructions - generating unit...) and exhibit the armament (firing chambers - tube or chute for throwing grenades - ammunition ...). Photographs of the destructions in the village on display.
A walking trail takes the visitors to various Maginot Line installations along the valley : dams, officers' quarters, shooting range, foundations of barracks...
Opening in May 2024, a new exhibition hall dedicated to the post-war era will feature a fine collection of instruments used during the Cold War.
Les horaires
Le dimanche 04/05/2025 de 14:00 à 17:00
Le dimanche 01/06/2025 de 14:00 à 17:00
Du 01/07/2025 au 31/08/2025 le jeudi de 14:00 à 17:00
Le dimanche 06/07/2025 de 14:00 à 17:00
Le dimanche 03/08/2025 de 14:00 à 17:00
Le dimanche 07/09/2025 de 14:00 à 17:00
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