
The ancient thermal baths

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Successive archaeological digs have established the existence of a Roman city between the 1st and 4th centuries AD, with large-scale thermal baths. The Roman baths were certainly very active until the barbarian invasions of the 5th century. The baths enjoyed a new period of prosperity at the end of the 16th century with Philippe V de Hanau, who built a bathhouse, recaptured the spring and carried out the first water analysis. This initiative quickly led to unanimous recognition of the beneficial effects of the springs. The Thirty Years' War brought its share of misery and ruin, with the destruction of the town and the thermal baths.

Discover the ancient thermal baths with the free Via Janus app: you can now take a guided tour of these remains directly on your smartphone, independently and 7 days a week, and view an augmented reality 3D reconstruction of the Roman building. To enjoy this experience, visit the remains site, on the corner of rue des Romains and Sœur E. Eppinger. In a fun way, as you follow the exchanges between the two faces of the God Janus, you'll discover how bathing was practised in the days of the Roman Empire, as well as some sometimes surprising details about daily life in our city nearly 2,000 years ago.

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  • Accès handicapé : Yes


  • Free entrance, open visits

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