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Known since very moved back periods, Uttenhoffen, small village of plain is established with the confluence of Zinsel of North and Falkensteinerbach. This village, balloted between various seigniorials will become during the 18th Century lone of the prosperous villages of the seigniors of Oberbronn. The activities remain primarily agricultural, with in particular a significant part of ovine elevates and pastures.
Village of character which has the pride to present in its hart the church considered like the smallest in Alsace. Protesting temple dedicated to Jean-Baptist saint whose hart is dated from the beginning of the 16th Century is d'un not very conventional aspect and is worth with it only the turning. Along the liberally flowered lanes, there will be also the leisure to discover farms with sides of wood dated from the beginning of the 16th Century around of which you can find a multitude of gardens.

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