
Protestant Church of Weiterswiller

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The west side of the construction is most likely to be part of an ancient watchtower or a redoubt with walls of 1.25 metre of thickness
During the roman period the sanctuary was attached to this tower. The church was modified several times. The nave and the choir are covered in paintings from the beginning of the XVth century, they depict the "Concordia Charitatis". The main topics depicted are the Last Judgement, the Creation, the Passion and the Ascension.
The paintings in the choir are mostly dedicated to the Virgin. A second series of paintings is about isolated characters, saints and deacons.
This is the only church in Alsace which has such homogeneous pictural ornements.
The edifice and its frescoes were listed historical monument in 1921.


  • Free entrance, open visits

Contact et réservation

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    Association Amis de l'église historique

    1 rue des Etoiles, 67340 Weiterswiller

  • icone 03 88 89 27 45

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