ALCG / Association Loisirs et Culture de Gertwiller
06 74 84 84 63
The Loisirs et Culture association of Gertwiller is pleased to invite you to the conference:
"Technocentre de Fessenheim - Pollutions environnementales et casseroles radioactives?"
The speaker will be André Hatz, a resident of Gertwiller, who has also been a member of the Loisirs et Culture association since its inception.
Also an ardent defender of the environment, André has been president of the Stop Fessenheim association for several years. In this capacity, he sits on the Commission Locale d'Information et de Surveillance de la center nucléaire de Fessenheim (CLIS) and is heavily involved, from October 2024 to February 2025, in the Public Debate organized by the CNDP on the (as yet hypothetical) project to build a "technocenter".
What's it all about? Behind this pretty word lies a scrap metal center and foundry for radioactive metals from all over Europe, which would be remelted to end up as... everyday objects!
Will we have slightly radioactive saucepans, forks or bedsprings tomorrow? That's the question!"
Learn more at this conference.
Le vendredi 04/04/2025 de 20:00 à 22:00
Salle de l’association loisirs et Culture (à côté de l’église protestante)
ALCG / Association Loisirs et Culture de Gertwiller