
Breath and voice workshop

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Our voice is the result of how we breathe, which is the result of how we stand in our body, which is the result of how we stand inside ourselves. So, in the vision that the body is a veritable musical instrument in itself, it's a question of exploring this instrument and seeing the areas of tension that don't allow the breath and therefore the voice to flow freely.

Through various postural, respiratory and vocal tools, we come to work on these areas of tension, gradually wearing them down to re-soften the body and thus regain a more accurate and aligned posture to allow the breathing that will support and carry our voice and what we have to express.


Les horaires

Le samedi 15/03/2025 de 10:00 à 12:00
Le samedi 12/04/2025 de 10:00 à 12:00
Le samedi 17/05/2025 de 10:00 à 12:00

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

La Villa Mathieu

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