
WRAPS & balanced nutrition" vegan cooking class - homemade!

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In this colorful workshop, full of health and flavor, you'll learn how to prepare Wraps (wheat patties) dough from scratchwith colorful options. But also assemble them with seasonal toppings, homemade preparations, raw as well as cooked and topped with tasty sauces / condiments.

prepare from A to Z a Wraps doughwith colorful optionsassemble them with seasonal toppings

The whole workshop follows a balanced diet, explained step by step, to vary, improve and learn more about your daily diet!

follows a balanced diet framework

Whether for a fun, convivial meal (with kids or friends) or a lunch on the go, you'll embrace Wraps for their practicality, versatility or playfulness.

you'll embrace Wraps for their practicality, versatility or playfulness

Workshop suitable for grown-ups and kids alike.
Menu changes according to seasonal ingredients and the chef's mood.

You'll leave with the satisfaction of having eaten what you've prepared and of course with the recipes to remake them at home and wow your friends/family with these original and accessible recipes!

satisfaction of having eaten what you've preparedwith the recipes to remake them at home

Mostly ORGANIC ingredients - Vegetable (vegan) cooking - All levels

Mostly ORGANIC ingredients - Vegetable (vegan) cooking - All levels

(To confirm your attendance a deposit of 10€/pers will be requested (by check, paypal or bank transfer).)

(To confirm your attendance, a deposit of 10€/pers will be required (by cheque, paypal or bank transfer).)

Les horaires

Le samedi 15/03/2025 de 15:30 à 19:00

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

Les ateliers végé

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