
Karaoke and blind test evening

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The Bar L'Esp'AS invites you to an evening of Karaoke and blind test full of good humor!
On the program: songs for all tastes!

Don't miss this fun-filled evening!

The Bar L'Esp'AS invites you to an evening of Karaoke and blind test full of good humor!
On the program: songs for all tastes!

Don't miss this convivial moment!

The Bar L'Esp'AS invites you to an evening of Karaoke and blind test full of good humor!
On the program: songs for all tastes!"

Don't miss this convivial moment!

The Bar L'Esp'AS invites you to a Karaoke and blind test evening full of good humor!!
On the program: songs for all tastes!!

Don't miss this convivial moment!

The Bar L'Esp'AS invites you to a Karaoke and blind test evening full of good humor!
On the program: songs for all tastes!

Don't miss this convivial moment!

Don't miss this convivial moment!"

Les horaires

Le vendredi 07/03/2025 de 18:45 à 23:59

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

Bar L'Esp'AS

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