Les Ateliers Végé - Cuisine saine & savoureuse
6 rue Taufflieb, 67140 Barr
- 06 77 76 63 32
- patryk@lesateliersvege.com
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The cuisine of South India has the particularity of being very old and of being thought out for the pleasure of the taste buds as much as the well-being of the body (vegetarian). Subtly dosed spices and the sweetness of coconut take you on a journey from the very first bite.
During this workshop you will prepare a complete menu suitable for beginners in the kitchen. A coconut vegetable dish ("Avial") will be complemented by a traditionally cooked lentil dal (Dal Fry). You'll also make Indian "daily bread", chapati and a chutney ("sauce" accompaniment) indispensable companion to Indian dishes. You'll see also how to properly cook rice, a staple food in South India.
You'll leave with the satisfaction of having eaten what you've prepared, and of course with the recipes to remake them at home and wow your friends/family with these original and accessible recipes!
(Mainly ORGANIC ingredients - Vegetable (vegan) cooking - All levels)
Le samedi 25/01/2025 de 15:00 à 19:00
6 rue Taufflieb
Les Ateliers Végé - Cuisine saine & savoureuse
6 rue Taufflieb, 67140 Barr