Les Ateliers Végé - Cuisine saine & savoureuse
6 rue Taufflieb, 67140 Barr
- 06 77 76 63 32
- patryk@lesateliersvege.com
- Visiter le site
Course in realisation de ravioles végétales (vegan) enclosing 4 tasty fillings with seasonal ingredients, savory & sweet!!
From dough preparation, to folding, you'll have fun making these little bites with original and surprising fillings. A real playful moment in the kitchen suitable for children and grown-ups alike!
You'll leave with the satisfaction of having eaten what you've prepared, and of course with the recipes to remake them at home and wow your friends/family with these original and accessible recipes!
(Mainly ORGANIC ingredients - Vegetable (vegan) cooking - All levels)
* Parents-Children offer: 55€ /adult + 15€ /child (- de 16ans)*
* Parents-Children offer : 55€ /adult + 15€ /child (- de 16ans)*Le dimanche 19/01/2025 de 15:30 à 19:00
Le samedi 22/02/2025 de 15:30 à 19:00
Le samedi 22/03/2025 de 15:30 à 19:00
6 rue Taufflieb
Les Ateliers Végé - Cuisine saine & savoureuse
6 rue Taufflieb, 67140 Barr