
Public reading - swallow soap opera

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The Damb'Nature association puts the Swallow in the spotlight in its rich "Swallows" 2024 Events Program, in Dambach-la-Ville.

You'll be able to attend several events such as a conference, swallow nest box construction workshops, games, reading, drawing workshop, quiz, reading serial in 7 episodes about the life of swallows during the year.

Throughout the 7 episodes of the soap opera "La vache Tante Lupuline raconte la vie agitée des hirondelles" you'll be transported into the fabulous world of swallows.

The reading of each episode lasts 20 min, hosted by Nature Animator Danièle Biedermann. It will be followed by a time of exchange and creations in which you can give free rein to your imagination to illustrate the episode.

It is of course possible to follow only one episode.

All ages, from 10 up.

Free admission

Les horaires

Le mercredi 25/09/2024 de 17:00 à 18:00
Le mercredi 02/10/2024 de 17:00 à 18:00

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

L'atelier W

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