
Hiking and wild cooking in the Vosges Piedmont

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Meet us for a hike-picking followed by a tasting in the form of a small workshop of wild plant cooking in an indoor kitchen.
Nettle, Lamiers, ground ivy, oxalis, bear's garlic, stellaria, plantain... And elderberry in late spring! Come and discover these wild plants and learn to recognize them.
At the end of our gathering, we'll go back to the kitchen where we'll make some easy to make appetizers and drinks, ... full of flavors to discover!

Mostly organic and wild ingredients - Vegan cooking - All levels - approx. 3 hours of walking/picking without difficulty

Les horaires

Le dimanche 06/04/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le vendredi 18/04/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le samedi 26/04/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le dimanche 04/05/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le samedi 10/05/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le dimanche 18/05/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le dimanche 25/05/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00
Le dimanche 01/06/2025 de 13:00 à 18:00

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

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