
Christmas around the Chapel

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Every year, on the first Sunday of Advent, the Association des Amis de la Chapelle (Friends of the Chapel) organizes its Christmas party with the "smallest Christmas market in Alsace" and its activities in and around the Chapelle Ste Marguerite. As usual, there will be a sale of Christmas objects and decorations made for the occasion. And of course, the traditional tour of St Nicolas with his donkey and the terrible "Ruppeltz" at 3pm. The youth choir will give its aubade at 4pm, and children's games (chamboule-tout, bombomstand) will entertain the youngest. Catering: crêpes, knacks, St Marguerite soup, mulled wine, various drinks, chocolate and mannelas.

Les horaires

Le dimanche 30/11/2025

Lieu de la manifestation/de départ

Chapel Ste Marguerite

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